Emotional Eating and Self-Care: What Have I Done For Me Lately?
Emotional eating as self-care is a dangerous habit many of us fall into. A lack of self-care is often a set up for using emotional eating to self-soothe. Once in […]
When we struggle with emotional eating, we eat for many reasons. Most people identify stress and boredom (usually anxiety and/or loneliness coupled with difficulty being alone with our own thoughts). […]
Stress management is tricky. For many years, managing stress came down to taking a vacation, getting a massage, or engaging in a hobby. Those are all fine and good, but […]
Struggling with emotional eating? When I ask clients to look at why they have the urge to eat when they aren’t hungry, it can be hard for them to identify […]
Finally get the help you need to get off the weight and dieting rollercoaster by learning the skills to help you lose weight and permanently keep it off.
Learn the skills you need to be free of these Codependent relationship traps. Learn to let go and find the peace and contentment you want in your relationships.
Many women struggle with their role in life and in their relationships. By exploring women's issues, you can learn to assert your needs in relationships.
How is stress impacting your life? Stress can be helpful in some cases. It helps us manage time and get things done, but often it can impact us in negative ways.