Hypnosis is a misunderstood tool and can be extremely effective for helping people with behavior change. Here at Salt Lake Weight Counseling, we have begun using it for emotional eating […]
Hypnosis is a misunderstood tool and can be extremely effective for helping people with behavior change. Here at Salt Lake Weight Counseling, we have begun using it for emotional eating […]
The battle with emotional eating and compulsive overeating is often wrought with self-defeating talk and shame. In a discussion with one of my clients the other day, we explored consequences. […]
If you struggle with emotional eating, you probably think boredom is the biggest trigger. Without fail, any time I ask a new client about their triggers for eating, boredom is […]
For many, emotional eating feels like a runaway train. They want to stop themselves and feel powerless. There are a few reasons for this. You hate yourself. This might seem […]