You are trying to lose weight and you keep coming up against barrier after barrier. So often, a client will come to see me wanting to lose weight and want […]
You are trying to lose weight and you keep coming up against barrier after barrier. So often, a client will come to see me wanting to lose weight and want […]
When we continually find ourselves in emotional eating patterns, we ask why we can’t just be “good” and eat what we know we “should”. Good idea in theory, but as […]
It is noon and you are hungry. Although…..are you really? You had a snack at 10, but the clock says it is lunch time. What do you do? Most people […]
How do you feel when you eat certain foods? This might sound like a bizarre question. Have you ever really stopped to pay attention to your body and how it […]
When it comes to change, humans struggle. When humans have painful life experiences, they struggle more. I find that in nearly all cases, my clients have some history of trauma. […]
If you struggle with emotional eating, the question about hunger probably doesn’t enter the picture much. When I am meeting with a client about emotional eating, binge eating or food […]
So many of us struggle with emotional eating. Most are aware. Some are still in denial. The bottom line is that if your hunger isn’t driven by a physical need […]
If you struggle with emotional eating, you probably think boredom is the biggest trigger. Without fail, any time I ask a new client about their triggers for eating, boredom is […]
When it comes to emotional eating, why is one cookie, one candy, one brownie never enough? You know the struggle well. “I’ve been good, so I’ll just have one”. “It’s […]
Fat. When did our world start to revolve around fat? Fat hate is everywhere. Around every turn, we are constantly blasted with messages villainizing it and anyone who carries extra […]