Have you tried all the things and you still find yourself struggling? Do you keep wondering what you are missing? I have definitely been there! I tried all the things. I am naturally curious about myself, so I am constantly on the path to self-discovery and no matter what I tried, I found myself bumping up against self-sabotage in one way or another. It was infuriating! So, I kept on the path and discovered something magical!
As I am sure you have gathered from reading my previous posts, I am a huge fan of EFT Tapping. I love it because you can use it anywhere/anytime with certain modifications and my clients have also found it very helpful. Each year, The Tapping Solution hosts an online summit with all of the experts in the EFT Tapping field. When I listened to it for the first time last year, I attended a session by Donna Eden. Donna has been a pioneer in the field of energy medicine. I thought her presentation was really interesting, but quickly forgot about it.
When I listened to Donna’s presentation this year, I was inspired! I read Energy Medicine which she wrote with her husband David Feinstein, PhD. I love the techniques that they described and the more I have used them, the better I feel physically and emotionally. One thing that was incredibly eye opening is that many of our energy blocks come from what they describe as homolateral energy in which energy in your body doesn’t cross over to the other side, as intended. Through some simple exercises, you can prime your body for change by improving energy flow. This improved energy flow leads to increased energy, mental clarity, motivation and focus. It also decreases self-defeating coping patterns like emotional eating.
One easy way to get started is with Donna’s 5 Minute Energy Routine. Try it every day for at least 3 weeks and notice how much better you feel!
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